Who can benefit from the treatment?

The therapy is highly effective in a variety of conditions. In most cases, however, you need medical indication and control, so we recommend you consult our trained practitioner. Such cases include:

  • lymphoedema
  • swollen arms and legs following surgery
  • heavy feet sensation
  • tired and painful legs
  • cellulite
  • swollen thighs and reduction of excessive fat deposits around the hips
  • detoxification of the body
  • when diuretics no longer help
  • promote healing of surgical scars - to avoid functional impairment or major cosmetic lesions
  • swelling of the face, oedema of the eyelids
  • as a supplement to detoxifying or regenerating therapies
  • gastrointestinal complaints
  • healing of traumas, contusions or shocks
  • following breast surgery, especially when the axillary lymph nodes have also been removed; in such cases, lymphatic drainage can prevent oedema of the arms (a frequent occurrence), especially if treatment is initiated shortly after surgery*


Cellulite is caused by the loosening of the fibrous connective tissue under the skin. Fat cells aggregate into ever growing nodes and get imbedded in skin tissues. The occurrence of this skin lesion is not limited to overweight ladies.

Apart from aesthetic considerations, it is important that the blood circulation as well as the lymphatic circulation are affected, hindering the removal of waste materials. As a result, huge quantities of toxic decomposition and waste products are accumulated in the body. 

Factors contributing to the development of cellulite

  • unhealthy diet
  • lack of exercise
  • constitutional conditions
  • neurological or hormonal changes, disturbances

Lymph drainage can considerably ameliorate the symptoms of cellulite. Massage causes local hyperaemia, accelerating cell metabolism and degradation of fat cells. The efficacy of massage can be enhanced by the use of special oils and creams.

*Source: Med-Courier